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2020 Dean’s Teaching Awards

Recipients are nominated by colleagues and students and chosen by the Teaching Awards Committee for their dedication to medical student teaching and their many contributions as course directors and mentors.

  • Alok Deshpande, PhD
  • Charles Gillespie, MD, PhD (Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences)
  • Michael Greenwald, MD (Pediatrics)
  • Taylor Harrison, MD (Neurology)
  • Meredith Lora, MD (Medicine)
  • Viraj Master, MD, PhD (Urology)
  • Varun Phadke, MD (Medicine)
  • Maria Russell, MD (Surgery)
  • Jennifer Spicer, MD (Medicine)

The Recognitions Committee celebrated Educator Appreciation Day in May 2020? Read more about some of the outstanding educators at Emory.